Jun 18Liked by David V. Stewart

You make some excellent points regarding the state of modern music. The canned drums that are timed to perfection. The voices that are flawlessly autotuned. I think this one of the reasons why I find most modern music so lifeless and boring.

I wonder if I'm turning into the the old guy who just hates the new fangled music that the kids are into these days, but I think there is more to it. In my youth I liked hard core punk, and my parents and grandparents didn't like it. To them, the heavily guitar distortion sounded grating. The extremely fast tempo was very different than what they had grown up with. It made the melodies difficult to pick out, and the lyrics hard to understand. I can understand why, from their perspective, the music was jarring and unpleasant.

I don't feel at all about modern music the way my elders felt about my music. It's not the least bit offensive sounding to me. If anything it's a watered down version of the mass market pop of my youth, just further simplified. It's dull. It's empty. It's the equivalent of an audio sleep inducing drug.

Your Zul channel is a refreshing change of pace. I wish you luck with it.

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Thanks! I felt a lot of the same with the pop coming out at the end of the 1990s, when I first noticed things getting really leveled out and "samey."

Even Metal has become a genre with one aesthetic, one production style, outside of a few independent artists who purposefully record using older techniques, like Darkthrone.

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Jun 19Liked by David V. Stewart

I was always on the lookout for more Zul anytime it came out so have been tuning in and really enjoying what you're creating. 🔥

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